PlanBeyond PlanBeyond


Sustainability at Jacobs means ensuring long-term business resilience and success while positively contributing toward the economy, society and the environment.


从我们经营业务的方式来看, 我们与客户和合作伙伴共同创造可持续的解决方案, 我们继续寻找创造积极环境的方法, 企业的社会和经济差异, 世界各地的政府和社区.

external Find out more about PlanBeyond 2.0

“世界正在以前所未有的速度变化, 我们比以往任何时候都更迫切需要集体应对我们的星球和社区所面临的危机. As a purpose-led company, we create positive impact through the solutions we deliver for our clients and in the way we conduct our business. 可持续性和韧性是我们的基础, how we operate, 以及——最终——我们如何创造长期价值和共同繁荣. Leveraging our digitally enabled, science-based solutions, we advance climate response, nature-based solutions, 以及全世界的人类健康.”

Bob Pragada

Bob Pragada

Jacobs CEO

A sustainable future

符合联合国可持续发展目标(UN SDGs), PlanBeyond™ is our approach to sustainability — planning beyond today for a more sustainable future for everyone.

As a purpose-led company, we're focused on reinventing tomorrow with solutions for addressing water scarcity and biodiversity loss; transitioning from fossil fuel to clean energy sources; decarbonizing the transport and manufacturing sectors; reducing waste through circular economy innovations; building long-term resilience into critical infrastructure assets; and improving the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities.

Commitment to Sustainability

Commitment to sustainability

We have developed six Sustainable Business Objectives that sit at the heart of PlanBeyond. 这些目标定义了我们对雅各布斯作为一个组织和我们的55的期望,000多名员工可以在为所有人创造可持续未来方面发挥作用.

  1. 促进社会的健康、福祉和安全(与可持续发展目标3相一致)
  2. 为全球水和卫生危机提供解决方案(符合可持续发展目标6)
  3. 培育对社会进步至关重要的技术和创新文化(符合可持续发展目标9)
  4. 为所有人创造公平和包容的未来(符合可持续发展目标10)
  5. Develop efficient and resilient solutions that deliver net environmental and societal gain (aligned to SDG 11)
  6. 加快解决气候紧急情况的解决方案(符合可持续发展目标13)

Commitment to climate action

Climate Action Plan

Jacobs’ new Climate Action Plan 列出我们下一阶段的气候减缓和适应承诺, which build on the progress we have made since the release of our initial plan on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day in 2020.


  1. 确保每个项目都成为应对气候变化的机会
  2. 到2040年实现整个价值链温室气体净零排放
  3. 保持碳中和状态,并为我们的运营提供100%低碳电力

We are proud to be the first consultancy and one of the world’s first companies with net-zero targets approved by the Science Based Targets initiative. 自2019年以来,我们的碳排放量减少了45%,我们为此感到自豪. 我们很自豪能够为我们的运营采购100%的低碳电力.  我们很自豪能成为一个碳中和组织.


Delta Conveyance Program

Aerial view of large estuary

Engineering design services for the multi-decade Delta Conveyance Program which will secure clean water for 27 million people and three million acres of agricultural lands. 探索三角洲运输计划.



咨询和咨询,以确定运营绿色液氢动力飞机所需的首页, 支持英国政府到2035年实现商用航空零碳排放的目标. Explore FlyZero.

Brisbane Metro Bus Rapid Transit

Brisbane Metro

新电池电动车队的技术顾问, bi-articulated vehicles (the first of their kind in Australia) and redesign of the public transport network that will move the area’s 1.6 million people daily. Explore the 布里斯班地铁快速公交项目.

我们共同制定影响人们生活方式的解决方案. 从加速下一代创新者到世界上第一个超低排放区, 从帮助社区恢复到监测水质以保护公众健康, we solve for better, 永远不要忘记我们对彼此的责任.

Want more sustainable solutions?

Explore Jacobs projects


Thriving communities. Giving back. A brighter future. What we do is more than a job.

Every day, Jacobs’ employees around the world make a positive difference for our clients and the communities in which we live and work.

通过我们的全球捐赠和志愿服务——集体℠计划——我们团结了55个,000 visionaries, dreamers and doers in a single platform for charitable giving and volunteering — allowing us to amplify the positive impact we make in our communities every day. 

我们通过衡量和跟踪员工的影响来最大化我们的集体积极影响, 以及我们的企业公民和慈善活动.

  • 3 M+

    通过我们与慈善机构Benevity的合作,为全球各地的慈善机构提供支持, 世界第一的在线工作场所捐赠和志愿服务公司

  • $ 3 M


  • 125

    ambassadors across 16 countries and 85 offices harnessing the power of the Collectively program across our global offices, remote workforce and project sites

  • 11 K+



雅各布斯报道了广泛的可持续发展和环境问题, Social, 和治理(ESG)议题 ESG Disclosures. 我们还通过我们的网站报道ESG问题 Integrated Annual Report, Form 10-K, Proxy Statement, and other public materials.

Our disclosures report is focused on the priority ESG data we believe is most relevant to our business and important to our stakeholders, 与可持续发展会计准则委员会(SASB)架构,并由全球报告倡议组织(GRI) standards. Annually, we disclose to CDP (前身为碳信息披露项目)和S&P全球企业可持续发展评估(CSA), which is the basis for the S&P全球ESG评分和纳入的关键因素 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. 我们按照气候相关财务披露专责小组(TCFD).

Human Rights

在我们的行动中,我们尊重人的人权和尊严, 供应链和我们工作的社区. Our approach is guided by international principles including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Review our Human Rights Policy and Modern Slavery Act Statement to learn more.

Materiality assessment

We conduct periodic materiality assessments to identify and prioritize the topics on which we focus our strategies and reporting. 我们的方法考虑了代表雅各布斯重要环境的问题, social, governance and economic impacts; our ability to drive long-term value creation and what is important to internal and external stakeholders. 有关此过程的更多信息,请参阅我们的 ESG Disclosures.

Jacobs Sustainability Strategy

Jacobs PlanBeyond 2.0

Jacobs Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Plan (PDF, 14.5 MB)
Climate Action Plan (Digital)
